Chrissie Lightfoot
Chrissie Lightfoot is one of the World’s Top Female Futurists. She is a prominent international legal figure, entrepreneur, legal futurist, legaltech investor, writer, international keynote speaker, legal and business commentator (quoted periodically in The Times, The Guardian, Financial Times, Forbes, The Economist and CNN), solicitor (non-practising), Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Westminster School of Law (London,UK), and author of best-seller The Naked Lawyer and Tomorrow`s Naked Lawyer: NewTech, NewHuman, NewLaw – How to be successful 2015 to 2045. Chrissie is also an Entrepreneur Mentor at Law Without Walls; featured in Time Magazine, The Financial Times and Forbes.
As the visionary and creator of Robot Lawyer LISA – the world’s first impartial AI lawyer – Chrissie is CEO and founder of Robot Lawyer Lisa Limited. She is also CEO and founder of EntrepreneurLawyer Ltd, a global consulting company.
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