Author´s articles
13 November 2020
Full webinar: The Lawyer's personal brand
25 June 2020
Book: Legal Marketing from a competent law firm to a competitive one. How to achieve it (Part 2)
18 June 2020
Book: Legal Marketing from a competent law firm to a competitive one. How to achieve it (Part 1)
Author´s news
12 November 2021
The lawyer's reputation
30 April 2021
Marketing your law firm
01 January 2021
Is your law firm just a “deadline-meeter”?
Francesc Domínguez
Personal Branding and Legal Marketing Consultant
Francesc Dominguez is an international legal marketing consultant and personal branding advisor. He has been the pioneering legal marketing consultant in continental Europe, since 2001. Visit his website.
Francesc Dominguez is the author of several books on legal marketing, published in English, French, and Spanish. His latest works are:
- Legal Marketing: from a competent law firm to a competitive one. How to achieve it (Grupo Difusión Jurídica & ISDE Law & Business School, 2020).
- La marca personal del abogado [The Lawyer’s personal brand] (Wolters Kluwer Spain, 2019).
- De despacho competente a despacho competitivo: cuéntame cómo conseguirlo (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2nd edition 2018).
- Legal Marketing: what the client actually hires from the lawyer (Ed. Bosch, 2011). Book written along with Iolanda Guiu, founding partner at Barton Consultants. Also available in French and in Spanish.
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