Bad moods at work: Learn how to manage your moods
In some work situations, it is possible that the achievements of other colleagues in other departments, or other professionals working in another department, may make you feel a little suspicious or envious
Does this happen in law firms? More often than you might think.
It is no secret that the work of others can affect us morally. To prevent it from affecting our mental health, we need to be forceful in dealing with these situations.
- Examine yourself
A self-examination helps you to know your own weaknesses and shortcomings. It is not a bad thing to know yourself. If you know the situations that cause you jealousy or discomfort, anticipate them and you will cope better with your discomfort.
- Guide yourself in your own way
In your career you will work with many colleagues and many of them will help you, many others will not; many others may hinder your mood.
The important thing is that you follow your own path. Try to get along well with the colleagues who help you and do your tasks to the best of your ability, because your ultimate intention is to be a good professional, regardless of the organisation you are in.
- Face your environment with positivity
In the end, each employee will draw his or her own personal conclusions about other employees. The important thing is to face all circumstances and events in and out of the office with positivity. The mind has to be open an
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