Best digital marketing strategies for law firms
When starting a new firm or office, the greatest difficulty lies in attracting clients. Given the lack of reputation, contacts or old clients, new technologies have opened up a range of possibilities to gain a foothold in the market. Fortunately, these new technologies are changing people's customs and behaviors, playing in favor of digital marketing strategies. Strategies that any office can carry out with a minimum of capital, although there are also solutions without having to resort to the portfolio:
1. Search engine marketing
Search engines are used every day by the majority of the population. For a sector such as the legal sector, it is very beneficial, since it is not intrusive advertising, since it is the client who seeks the service, and obtains highly qualified opportunities, since the client performs the action motivated by a need that they want to solve.
2. Google My Business
With Google MyBusiness, the file with which physical businesses appear on Google and, mainly, on Google Maps, is created and optimized. Very useful to appear in searches for people who are in the same town or in neighboring municipalities.
The radius in which the dispatch will appear will increase as the positive reviews increase and, if there are no clients yet, optimizing the listing, from basic actions such as filling in all the fields to indicate as many keywords as possible and uploading images of the office, to more advanced techniques such as adding geolocation to images.
3. Website and SEO positioning
Having a professional and sophisticated website is a plus of confidence and security for the interested client. Nowadays, it is even suspicious that a business does not have a website.
In addition, it is easier to convince a client by presenting the business and providing the information they are looking for, such as the areas in which the firm is dedicated or contact information. Showing the human team that makes up the office can help project closeness and create a bond with the client, which will put a face to the people who can help them.
The website can give visibility to the office, like the Google MyBusiness file, with SEO positioning. Regarding the advantages that make positioning in service sectors such as legal assistance so recommendable, it should be noted that positioning a page means appearing in all searches related to that topic, without having to pay and indefinitely.
To understand its potential, you have to think that five million searches are made on Google every minute. And it is that all of us who use a computer or mobile phone go to Google at some point of the day. Because we trust Google, and that doesn't change when a person needs legal help and wants to find a professional. He will call one of the offices that appear, because if Google has put it there "it's for a reason".
4. Google Ads campaigns
If we can remove any defect from SEO, it is that it takes time. The positioning is not immediate (otherwise, anyone could appear and lose its value), and it will not boost the arrival of customers in the short term. To cover that period, Google itself provides the solution by allowing ads in its results. This also provides more visibility, as they appear first, ahead of local listings and organic results.
The ideal is to use Google ads while working on the positioning of the web and, as SEO begins to give visibility, decrease the investment of Google ads, since visits procedants from organic results have no cost, but those from Google ads carry a cost per click.
5. Promotion in press and thematic portals
As with traditional newspapers and magazines, mentions in their digital versions have a positive impact on visibility and reputation. On the internet, in addition, mentions with a link to the website transmit authority, a parameter that Google uses in search positioning. Double reward.
For a professional or a firm, mentions in legal magazines or blogs and in newspapers bring recognition in the sector and among clients. Mentions on sites of other topics can also get clients if readers are interested in the right because of a personal or professional situation that has been detected.
6. Directories and social networks
Online directories are very well positioned and receive a constant flow of traffic, which allows firms to gain free exposure to clients who prefer to find professionals in specialized directories by profession. It is advisable to have profiles on the main social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter to transmit professionalism through publications on new legislation, news on rulings, or explanations of concepts.
Sharing the firm's blog posts on social networks will help boost the positioning of the website, in addition to capturing attention and reinforcing the memory among followers. Advertising on social networks for this sector is not as recommended as in the other channels, since, unlike search engine marketing, for example, it is intrusive and can even contradict the code of ethics if used incorrectly.
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