Counterintuitive techniques that will guide you to success as a lawyer
The practices and techniques that many lawyers put into practice in their offices may not be the best ones to lead to success
In fact, there are many techniques that are difficult to imagine at first, but which, if practised effectively, can lead to improved performance at work.
One of them is to work fewer hours. A priori, this action has a negative connotation, since in the vast majority of offices long working hours still prevail.
Many studies claim that limiting working time helps employees to divide it better and to focus more on individual tasks. The fact that lawyers set a fixed departure time does not necessarily have to be negative.
Empathy and humility are those characteristics of an employee that are often forgotten, especially by leaders or area managers.
In large law firms, the closeness between the leader and the employees is reduced and this hinders empathy towards them. It is therefore important to ensure these two elements.
Developing one's personal life and sometimes sharing it with other colleagues is a fantastic idea to create a better atmosphere in the office. Fraternising with other lawyers in the firm can sometimes be an arduous task. Long working hours and the stress caused can undermine trust with the leader or with other colleagues.
Lawyers need to be able to give real importance to their personal lives, but this also means including colleagues from their office in it.
Generosity is another key factor that many lawyers need to consider. Regardless of one's position, generosity must govern inside and outside the office, and with clients.
No transaction or legal proceeding will fail because of a lawyer's generosity.
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