07 December 2020

FREE WEBINAR [DEC. 10th]: "How to supercharge your firm's pricing and legal project management initiatives"

The Impact Lawyers is pleased to invite you to a free webinar on Thursday December 10th at 10am (US ET) and 3pm (London Time), which will be presented by marketing expert Alexander Niers on "How to supercharge your firm's pricing and legal project management initiatives".

Alexander Niers is head of marketing at Clocktimizer. His experience within the legal tech, ad-tech and low-code sectors have given him an extensive understanding of the use of technology in business, and the power data can have on any decision making process. 

REGISTER TO THE WEBINAR: https://onevite.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oREFODmQSeGxRi8H4YB2Lw


During this 30 minute webinar we will zoom into the different ways data can empower operational decision-making within your firm. Through a combination of best practices and technology, we demonstrate how to scale profitable pricing and LPM initiatives firmwide. The session itself will focus on pragmatic and practical advice so that after the session you will:

-       Have a firm understanding of the different types of data in your firm and the insights they can offer

-       Be able to develop your own data framework into an action plan

-       Understand how data analysis tools enable you to scale legal project management and pricing throughout the firm. We will amplify theory with user-generated examples of data-driven reports, which serve as inspiration for the countless opportunities your firm can unlock through technology

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