16 April 2022

Lack of motivation? 4 tips to motivate you at work


Lack of motivation at work is an aspect that can reduce work productivity, so it is important to follow some tips

Have you lost motivation in your work?

Many lawyers find themselves stuck in their day-to-day professional life not because of a lack of desire or qualities, but because of a lack of motivation. Motivation is not an aspect that is easily achieved, as there are many factors that can limit or even eliminate it, whether professional or personal

Here are a few tips that you can use to increase your motivation at work:

- Don't think about the size of your job

Throughout your career you will be faced with harder and lighter tasks. You have to see all of them as a way to become the professional you really want to be

There is something beneficial in every task and it is on this positive aspect that you should always focus. 

- Set small goals

When you are involved in a very big project, it is advisable to plan all those tasks you have to do and divide them as best as possible, so that you complete small tasks that in the end will lead you to complete a big project. 

As you complete these small tasks, you will feel how you are progressing with the work, and this will motivate you.

Divide and conquer!

- Prioritise concerns

There are many circumstances that can worry us. The important thing is to know how to divide them according to their importance. If you have tasks that are close to a deadline, do them first. Keeping tasks on time tends to de-stress you and take your mind off the immediate. 

To do this you need to keep a constantly updated list.

- Set a fixed time to leave work

Because of teleworking, a worker finishes his working day later than usual. You need to set a realistic time to leave work. Analyse what time you usually finish your daily work and set a specific time. 

This exercise will help you prioritise your tasks and will also motivate you to work hard during that time. When the set departure time arrives, close the computer and do not answer any more emails.

There are many other tips that will help you increase your professional motivation. Experts advise you to rest your mind after work, exercise daily and celebrate your achievements with your colleagues. 

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