Large law firms are making working hours more flexible
Squire Patton Boggs has decided to abolish working hours in the UK and is beginning to test improved flexible working while adopting an open floor plan at its new London headquarters, which opens this week.
Around 170 lawyers are moving into the firm's new headquarters.
"In our planning for the new office we have not missed the opportunity to implement new strategic thinking in the workplace. The reconfigured practice floors will provide a dynamic environment, supporting an increasingly mobile and collaborative work process, and give us the flexibility to grow the business," said Jone Haxby, managing partner in London.
The law firm has decided to open its offices, located in Leed, Birminghtam and Manchester, in a staggered, i.e. phased, manner.
Under the flexible working program, which is being tested over six months, staff is being given the option of working remotely for 20 to 50 percent of their time, depending on their duties. In turn, workers' working hours are being cut to allow for greater flexibility in schedules.
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