Neuromarketing helps law firms grow
Neuromarketing is the science that studies how the human brain responds to certain stimuli, such as messages, that are generated by advertising and marketing. This science is based on the idea that most consumer decisions are driven by the subconscious and emotions rather than by reason, i.e., they make decisions based on emotion rather than logic.
Thanks to neuromarketing, companies can understand how people process the information in their advertising strategies and which elements or aspects of the message have the greatest impact on customers and make them want to purchase the company's services. Therefore, knowing this data will help firms improve future marketing strategies to make them more effective.
Improving advertising effectiveness is not the only benefit of neuromarketing for legal firms. As mentioned above, emotions are the motivation of consumers, so if you run marketing campaigns that prioritize the emotional level of customers, you can connect with consumers and create more memorable brand experiences, offering them a personalized experience and, at the same time, you will be able to build loyalty among potential customers.
Many industries have taken advantage of the results obtained from scientific neuromarketing research. Law firms make use of some neuromarketing premises to advertise. The reason is that law firms that advertise with neuromarketing techniques are more likely to attract and retain clients, even if they are small and not very old. The key is not the reputation of the law firm, but the key is the client experience.
Some of the basic techniques applied by neuromarketing to influence customer emotions are smell and sound, for example, stores use characteristic colognes and piped music in their establishments so that consumers associate these aspects with the brand. The same happens in law firms, but using other techniques that are more appropriate for this sector: lighting, decoration, office furniture distribution, identifying colors, slogans, etc. Every detail is part of the brand communication and influences the neuronal activity of the clients.
Neuromarketing Tips for Lawyers
As mentioned above, the key to attracting and retaining clients lies in the experience they have with a law firm, so it is important for lawyers to generate trust from the very beginning.
· Make a good impression
We will never get a second chance to make a good impression," said Will Rogers. This phrase is true, and the first impression you make on a client will determine whether or not they want to trust a law firm. When a company launches an advertising campaign with the objective of obtaining clients, the characteristics that make up that advertisement will determine its effectiveness. The marketing campaign should show people smiling but at the same time transmitting professionalism, and make sure that the clothes they wear, as well as the colors of the advertisement are in accordance with your brand image.
· Make the client's visit a positive experience
The first impression clients have is critical and must serve to engender confidence in the law firm. Lawyers influence the confidence they convey through their body language, dress and posture, but the office space and client treatment also influence the trust that is generated. While clients are in the waiting room, make this moment different and make them not associate it with any other office. Try to create a warm atmosphere in this space with institutional colors to make a good impression on customers.
· Facilitate the client's decision
Even if clients demand urgent services, if they have doubts or are confused they will not want to hire the firm's legal services. It is important for lawyers to provide accurate and sufficient information to clients to make them want to hire their services. Use more colloquial language rather than legal language when explaining things about your litigation since they are not familiar with legal language and it can be complicated or confusing for them to understand certain concepts. You can also make use of visual or graphic resources, such as slides, to facilitate the explanation. Finally, it is important that you explain well the fees of the legal services they are hiring, you have to be transparent with the prices.
· Personalize your business cards
The effectiveness of neuromarketing is based on the sensory experience of customers. It may sound ridiculous, but details influence the personalized customer experience. In this line of work, a law firm's contact or business cards play a key role. Instead of giving clients the typical card that all law firms offer, create a card that is unique and sets it apart from the rest, for example, add an embossed logo that is not visible to the naked eye but is noticeable to the touch. This feature will be remembered by clients.
· Make each customer feel special
In neuromarketing there is a concept called "implicit egoism" which is based on the fact that people prefer things that remind them of themselves, that is, making customers feel that everything revolves around them. It's an egocentric technique, but frankly, very useful. To put it into action, law firms have to create a customized system for each client.
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