WEBINAR 24th SEPTEMBER (10.30am US Eastern Time): "Myths & Truths about Innovation in the legal sector"
On Thursday 24th September, The Impact Lawyers will host a webinar regarding the "Myths & Truths about Innovation in the legal sector", which will be led by Karol Valencia, Legal Project Leader & Legal Service Designer at eID (Europe) & Lawcus (USA).
Karol develops private consulting and focuses on projects and services with a holistic perspective through her brand Karol Valencia (worldwide and in remote mode) and is Chief Community Manager at Eye Z Legal (India). She is an active member of the Institute for Internet & The Just Society, she also works in the #Barpocalypse project for the redesign of legal education in the USA. Also Karol is the LATAM ambassador of ILSA (Innovative Law Studies Association).
REGISTER TO THE WEBINAR HERE: https://onevite.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W5MafXErTDSZJXuKWjxCXA
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