Law firms are requiring new professionals that are capable of develop their skills in the virtual world
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Tips for lawyers that want to start a career in legal tech
The standardized use of the new technologies has changed how the professional sectors work. Many jobs are dealing with difficulties as there are not so many qualified employees that know how to operate in a technological environment. For this reason, companies are in the search of people that are able to work in this emerging virtual sector. Lawyers have also the obligation to stay up to date regarding the necessities of the market, so firms are now in the need of workers that are developing their career in the legal tech.
This new practice refers to every kind of solutions that technology can provide to attorneys by making the tasks easier and achieving the main goals in a more efficient way. For instance, legal tech can help in the review of contracts, the tracking of billable hours and, also, improving the access to justice services for all the people that have access to internet.
In addition, law firms will be really impressed if they find in the CV of a possible candidate that they have implemented technological characteristics in their learning process and know how to use them. This will make a huge positive difference among other competitors which will result in the selection of the person as there is a necessity in finding professionals that can work using all the advantages that the technology has.
Skills of the legal tech
First of all, it is important that every worker that is intrigued in becoming a legal tech professional to have a genuine interest in the legal industry and, also, in the technology and its devices. If there is a lack of curiosity on this aspect it will cause the abandonment of this kind of practice.
Moreover, it is important to remind everyone that it is not compulsory to have a degree in law as many firms will prefer for this position a person that has major in software and computing sciences.
Time management skills are also required as workers will have to accomplish goals in strict deadlines. In addition, the person will have to develop communication and Microsoft excel abilities in order to be prepared for any challenge that they can face in a future.
There is some advice for law graduates that are considering taking their first steps in the professional world to ask to legal tech startups for some training in order to acquire all the mentioned skills in order to get a job in the legal sector.
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